Friday, February 24, 2017

Properly Pampering Rowan the Rehab Horse

If she had it her way, Rowan would get this sort of treatment EVERY day! After her bath and hand walking yesterday, I set rowan up in a stall with a Back on Track blanket, Back on Track hock boots, and a huge bin of soaked hay cubes and rice bran. This mare was in heaven! Instead of spending her time staring out the window and calling to her BFF, Hazel, she plowed through her food for almost two hours before coming up for air!

If you're not familiar with the Back on Track products, they are made with ceramic-infused fabrics that reflect the horse's body heat back to them, increasing circulation. We are in no way associated with them, but I highly recommend them, and their saddle pads are great for horses with sensitive backs! One thing that I have noticed, in using the BoT products, is that my horses are, without fail, more calm and have a softer muscle tone throughout their bodies after wearing them. I've even considered curling up in one myself, some days!

Rowan is beginning to show the kind of improvement I like to see, and I highly suspect her increased appetite is due to her feeling better after having wraps put on her feet. When I rehabbed Branson initially, it was almost impossible to get him to eat well any time his feet were sore. What a funny coincidence that they're both Holsteiner-bred. Hmmm...

In addition to all of this pampering, I have now increased Rowan's supplements to include a half pound of Renew Gold, as well as Uckele's Omega Hoof, a scoop of MSM and a double does of "Cool Calories" once a day. She wasn't too sure about the Renew Gold at first, but began to eat it once it was top dressing her regular grain. Renew Gold is a product I have recently started using with my horses that contains rice bran, flax seed and coconut meal for a great dose of healthy omegas and fats. I will be upping her intake as soon as she decides this is something she's willing to eat long term.

She certainly knows how to tell me when she likes something!

(As an aside, you might be able to just see the wraps on her front feet in this photo. They're covered in arena sand, unfortunately, but they're basically a sort of hard-set cast. Lisa used them around the wall of her hoof, and built up the heel on her low side a bit to add some relief to her soft tissue as well.)

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